SEPUTARSULUTNEWS.COM, Mitra —The environmental pollution carried out by RL alias Roland, a foreign citizen (foreigner) and BR alias Berry and Mr Lee as the person in charge of the Alason plantation, Ratatotok village, North Sulawesi, were asked to immediately stop illegal mining activities in Southeast Minahasa (Partner) because suspected to have dumped material from gold processing into the river.
In addition to polluting the environment and can kill living things in it, the cyanide-contaminated river flows directly into residential areas, it can cause diseases that cause birth defects and death in the future.
“What’s wrong with the law enforcement officers (APH) being lit up who seem to turn a blind eye to mining activities in Ratatotok Alason? I ask the police to close down and criminalize RL as the owner of an illegal mine for polluting the environment. The district government is not committed to eradicating the mining mafia because for years it seems that it has been ignored while the impact of environmental pollution is clearly visible, even to the point that the alleged practice of “moneyloundry” is often carried out,” said Environmental Observer Hardy Semboeng SH, Friday (24/6/2022) afternoon.
From the results of media investigations in the field, according to residents around the waste disposal activities in the river have been going on for the last 4 years and are now entering the stage of immersing the material.
“What I know is that this mine does not have a permit and is in the immersion stage of the material,” said the resident, who did not want to be named.
Meanwhile, the illegal Mine Owner, a foreign citizen, RL alias Roland, when confirmed via what’s App, argued that he was no longer taking care of the business since the Covid-19 pandemic.
“I haven’t done business in Manado for 3 years,” Roland said briefly
It should be noted that due to the actions of these illegal mining financiers, they can be ensnared by Law Number 23 of 2009 concerning Environmental Protection and Management (UU PPLH). Article 60, Article 104 and Article 116 of the PPLH Law, where anyone dumping waste and or materials into the environmental media without a permit as referred to in Article 60 can be sentenced to a maximum of three years in prison and a maximum fine of Rp. 3 billion. (red)